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Professional Course Enrolment and General Guidelines


  1. 本中心一般以「先到先得」方式處理課程報名,參加者請於本中心網頁填寫課程報名表格。

  2. 本中心收到閣下網上報名後,於三個工作天內將課程報名確認及繳費通知傳送到閣下之登記電郵/WhatsApp。如於期內仍未收到電郵/WhatsApp,請致電3707 2000與本中心職員聯絡。

  3. 請於收到上述通知後五個工作天內透過郵寄支票、親自繳交支票/現金或銀行櫃員機轉帳方式繳交課程費用,否則報名無效。

  4. 繳費後將會收到預留名額通知電郵。申請者若在課程開課前仍未收到任何通知,請與本中心聯絡。

  5. 如有需要,明愛全人發展培訓中心有權對課程內容及安排作出改變。本中心亦保留權利,在課程人數不足或其他特殊情況時取消該課程,並以電郵通知申請者。經本中心安排後,申請者將獲退還該課程的費用。

  6. 課程確認通知最遲於開課日期一星期前,以電郵通知參加者有關開課詳情。

  7. 無論申請者退出或缺席課程,已繳交之學費將不獲退還。

  8. 若開課前3小時懸掛黑色暴雨警告或8號颱風訊號,該日課程將取消或延遲。 新的安排將日後通知參加者。

  9. 若黑色暴雨警告或8號颱風訊號於課程進行中懸掛,本中心將視乎情況安排參加者去留。

  10. 本人同意以WhatsApp/電郵/手機短訊接收本中心(明愛全人發展培訓中心)提供之最新資訊, 推廣產品及服務。

  11. 本人清楚知道整個活動過程或會被攝影及錄影,本人同意本中心把過程中拍攝的照片及影片用於網站及印刷品,作為推廣服務之用。

  12. 報名表所提交的個人資料,只供中心用作處理報名及服務宣傳等相關事宜。根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請者有權查詢及更改其個人資料。申請者如欲更改個人資料,請以書面方式提出申請,並電郵至

  13. 本中心辦公時間為星期一至四上午九時至下午五時、星期五上午九時至下午八時、星期六、星期日及公眾假期休息。

  14. 如有任何疑問,歡迎致電3707 2000向本中心查詢。




 電話:3707 2000

 傳真:3612 5738


Professional Course Enrolment and General Guidelines

  1. Applications are generally processed on a first come, first served basis. Course registration can be made by completing the application form on our website.

  2. Course application acknowledgement and payment method will be sent to your registered email/Whatsapp within three working days after registration. Please contact our staff at 3707 2000 if you do not receive any notification within three working days.

  3. Please pay the course fee by cheque, by cash or bank ATM transfer within five working days after receiving the above notification, otherwise enrolment will be rejected.

  4. Applicants will receive a reservation notification email after successful payment. Please contact our staff at 3707 2000 if you do not received reservation notification email before course commencement.

  5. Human Empowerment & Achievement Training (HEAT) reserves the right to make any changes to the course when necessary. HEAT also reserves the right to cancel the course owing to insufficient enrollment or other special occasions, and to notify the applicants via email. Refund of course fees will be arranged. 

  6. Successful applicants will be notified of the course confirmation and relevant information by email at least 1 week before course commencement. 

  7. Fees paid are not refundable for withdrawal or absence from the enrolled courses. 

  8. If the black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is in force 3 hours before the start of the classes, these classes will be canceled or postponed. New arrangements for classes will be notified at a later stage. 

  9. If the black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is in force during the class, HEAT will decide whether participant should be evacuated depends on the immediate situation.

  10. I agree to receive WhatsApp, emails, or SMSs from HEAT with the latest information, promotional products, and services.

  11. I understand that the courses may be photographed and videotaped. I agree that the photos and videos taken during the courses may be published on the internet and printed products for the purpose of promotion in the future.

  12. The personal data provided on application forms is used by HEAT only for enrollment and promotional purposes. Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to and make correction of their personal data. Applicants wishing to make amendments on personal data should submit written requests to HEAT by email to

  13. Office hour is Mon. to Thurs. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Close on Sat, Sun. and Public Holiday.

  14. For enquiries, please feel free to contact us at 3707 2000.


Caritas Human Empowerment & Achievement Training (HEAT)

Address:   9/F, No.9 Shing Mun Road, Tsuen Wan

Tel:         3707 2000

Fax:        3612 5738

Website :

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