Mrs. Catherine Poon 潘蔡妍珊女士
B.A., M.S.W., M.BuddhStud.
Emotion-Focused Therapist (Individual/Couple Therapy)
Registered Social Worker
Certified Counselor (HKPCA)
Associate Fellow (HKPCA)
Approved Supervisor (HKPCA)
Certified EFT Trainer (Individual Therapy) recognized by the International Society for Emotion Focused Therapy (isEFT)
自 2004 年,她跟隨加拿大約克大學之葛林堡教授學習情緒導向治療,並分別於2010 年及 2016 年獲取情緒導向輔導員及情緒導向治療訓練導師的資格;由 2007年至 2017 年她協助由香港公教婚姻輔導會舉辦之情緒導向治療一年制証書課程,擔任督導小組之導師。情緒導向治療是一種歷程體驗治療,以情緒作爲指引,並獲超過三十年的實證支持具果效的治療方法。
潘太於 2014 年開始任職私人執業輔導員,專長於處理個人情緒失調、抑鬱、焦慮、童年創傷及情侶關係困難(包括未婚及已婚伴侶)。基於她的佛學研究背景,她更引入正念内觀(mindfulness)於治療過程中,運用與受助者的共同察覺,加速治療果效。
除臨床實務工作外,潘太亦有參與大學及業界的培訓工作,並於 2015-2020 年任職香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系之榮譽講師,教授情緒導向治療法及婚姻輔導課程。
Mrs. Catherine Poon has worked with the Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council (HKCMAC) for over 20 years as a marriage counselor. She specializes her clinical work with clients of emotional dysregulation, depression, anxiety, and childhood attachment trauma, and couples with chronic physical/mental illnesses, addictive behavioral problems and extra-marital relationship. Apart from clinical practice of individual and couple counselling, she has supervised social work students at different universities and family mediator trainees from different social service agencies. She maintains a humanistic person-centered approach in her clinical practice and supervision.
Mrs. Catherine Poon has been trained in Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) with Professor Leslie Greenberg since 2004. She has given presentations, provided skills coaching in the Module Workshops, and conducted monthly supervision groups in the yearly Training Programs in EFT (Individual & Couples) jointly organized by the EFT Clinic of York University and HKCMAC from 2007 to 2017. Over the years, she has led hundreds of supervision group sessions. She is recognized as a certified EFT individual therapy trainer since 2016.
She is currently in private practice. She continues to provide individual and couples therapy, training workshops on EFT (Individual and Couples), Advanced Empathy and Mindfulness-informed clinical work, and EFT supervision for local practitioners. She is an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong from 2015 to 2020, teaching Emotion-Focused Interventions and Marital Counseling for Master degree students of counseling and social work.
專長 Expertise
介入手法 Approaches
情侶/夫婦輔導 (健康情感依附、情感連繫、情感創傷治療)
人本治療 Person-Centered Therapy
情緒導向治療 Emotion-Focused Therapy
生命自覺導向治療 Focusing Oriented Therapy
靜觀導向治療 Mindfulness Oriented Therapy
存在主義導向治療 Existential Therapy
回饋 Feedback
Catherine can help me see the case from a macro perspective as well as polish my micro skills in the counseling session.
Catherine can enhance my professional development and skills.