廣博 精闢
Dr. Y.P. TSANG, Bill 曾育彪博士
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
BS, MS, MA, EdM, EdD (PhD equivalent, Harvard)
Registered Psychologist, Hong Kong
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Massachusetts, USA)
香港註冊心理學家 (香港心理學會)
美國麻省心理輔導執照 (LMHC)
Dr. Bill Tsang has been practicing since 1994, specializing in mental health and individual psychotherapy, as well as couple and family therapy. He has worked extensively with people suffering from depression, anxiety, relational traumas and difficulties, parent-child conflicts, and personal development issues. While he takes an integrated approach to psychotherapy, Dr. Tsang often applies psychodynamic therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy in his work, with sensitivity towards spiritual and faith issues. He is also experienced in helping professionals in their personal growth, vocational development and life coaching.
Dr. Tsang was an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work at The Chinese University of Hong Kong for four years, where he taught mental health and family counseling courses, and practiced clinical work. He also gives workshops and seminars on mental health and personal growth in various settings, including universities, schools, counseling and social work agencies, and churches. He has practiced clinical counseling and psychotherapy in the USA for more than seven years. He has been conducting psychological and education research at the University of Hong Kong since 2006. His work also involves developing global leadership training programs for young professionals, and mentoring programs for vulnerable youths.
Dr. Tsang received his Master in Counseling Psychology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, his Master in Education and Doctorate in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University. He is a License Mental Health Counselor in Massachusetts, U.S.A. and a registered psychologist with the Hong Kong Psychological Society.
曾育彪博士 (Dr. Bill Tsang) 於心理健康及個人發展方面具廣博之知識及豐富之臨床經驗(自 1994),處理婚姻與家庭治療個案尤有心得。多年來他與各類不同需要人士同行,當中問題包括抑鬱、焦慮、人際之困擾或關係中受創,亦有親子間未能協調之境況。
曾博士居美期間,有七年的臨床輔導及心理治療工作經驗,自 2002 至 2006 年,曾博士乃香港中文大學社會工作系之助理教授,任教學科包括心理健康、家庭輔導等,同時亦參與系內之臨床輔導工作。自 2006 年起至今,曾博士在香港大學從事多項教育及青少年研究。多年來曾博士被邀於社會服務或輔導機構、教會等作主講者,於有關心理健康並個人成長等範疇之研訪會及工作坊當中,以其精闢之見解,讓參加者獲益良多。他亦有為年青專業人士設計國際領袖訓練。
專長 Expertise
介入手法 Approaches